Blocs Library


What’s Included?

Minimalist Library for Blocs

Guide and tutorials

Free updates forever

Customer support

Free for Members

If you are a Blocs Master member, you can access the Library for free in your account.

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If you have any questions, please check the FAQs, or send us an email.

Release Notes

Version 2.2

Oct 2024

 Added 10 new table sections to the Specials category

 Utilized the Horizontal Scroll feature to make tables mobile-friendly

 Updated 50+ sections in the Features and Header categories

 Optimized Custom Class usage across many sections

 Made many under-the-hood improvements needed for future updates

 Fixed small bugs and made improvements to some sections

Version 2.1

July 2024

 Completely reimagined the Navigation category

 Redesigned and rebuilt from scratch all 14 sections

 Added advanced offcanvas mega menus

 Added advanced offcanvas sidebar menus

 Created a new type of responsive sidebar (always visible on LG breakpoint)

 Small bugs and improvements to some sections

Version 2.0

May 2024

 Unified all sections into the single styled library

 Added a live preview for every single section

 Added new detailed written and video tutorials

 Improved the overall organization and performance

 Rebuilt 200+ sections from scratch using more efficient techniqes

 Restyled 350+ sections for better global styling

 Rebuilt the Global Color settings for each section

 Reduced the number of sections, focusing on quality over quantity

 Reduced the number of custom classes used by 35%

 Improved the performance of the Library Site Template

 Starter template now comes with only core classes

 Improved mobile optimiziation for all sections

 Improved SEO optimiziation for all sections

 Improved the speed of installation and updating process

 Improved the Global Radius implementation

 Improved the typography for alerts, placeholders, and other text

 Switched to universally available Helvetica font as default

 800+ small bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.9

Apr 2024

Added small improvements to sections with horizontal scrolling

Added 42 new Contact sections

Improved existing Form sections

Renamed existing Form sections to Contact

 Preparations for the 2.0 version

Version 1.8

Feb 2024

Fixed overflow issue with animated scroll sections

 Added 30 horizontally scrolling Testimonial sections

Added 3 horizontally scrolling Feature sections

Many small fixes and improvements

Started laying down the foundation for 2.0 version

Version 1.7

Dec 2023

Added 69 new Event type Feature sections

 120 sections updated to better support of global radius

 120 sections updated to better support of global colors

 Implemented the new horizontal scrolling

 Lots of small improvements and bug fixes

Version 1.6

Oct 2023

Added new Specials section category

Added 39 404 Error sections

Fixed horizontal scrolling sections

50+ small improvements

Version 1.5

Sep 2023

Added new CMS section category

Added 66 Blog List sections

Added 24 Blog Post sections

Added 18 Blog Related sections

Small improvements

Version 1.4

Jul 2023

Added 30 new Footer sections

Added 3 new Home page templates

Added 3 new About page templates

Added 3 new Contact page templates

Added 3 new Features page templates

Added 3 new Pricing page templates

Added 404 page template

150+ small improvements

Version 1.3

Jun 2023

Added preview pages for all individual sections

Added the new Guide page

Added the new Updates page

Applied Bootstrap Dark and Light themes to all sections

Fixed issues with button active and focus states

Optimized custom classes

Improved mobile optimization of many sections

Version 1.2 Beta

May 2023

90 new Feature sections

200+ improvements to existing sections

Rebuilt Footer sections to fix missing layers bug

100s of tags added

100s of layers named

Version 1.1 Beta

Apr 2023

 39 new Feature sections

 27 new Hero sections

 18 new Navigation sections

 18 new Pricing sections

 12 new Gallery sections

 100+ improvements to existing sections

 100s of tags added

Version 1.0 Beta

Mar 2023

 Initial public release with 850+ sections

Version 1.0 Alpha

Jan 2023

 Initial private release of the first alpha version

Blocs Library was created by Eldar © 2024 Blocs Master. All rights reserved.